A communications roadmap for Recycling Victoria
$300 million of programs, 4 delivery agencies and 10 years to deliver Recycling Victoria’s shift in the way Victorians rethink their waste as a smart, clean economy. Coordinating the many moving parts and milestones of this decade-long effort needed us to deliver a strong plan to pull it all together, with a clear message.
Waste to energy programs, Victoria-wide food and organics recycling and a revamped ‘Cash for Containers’ scheme are game-changers for making Victoria both cleaner and more prosperous.
Not long after the ambitious Recycling Victoria policy was launched, it was apparent that this multi-program, multi-stakeholder and multi-message program needed a high-level communications and engagement plan to guide the efforts of everyone on the program over the course of the next 10 years.
It was crucial that for all of the implementing agencies – DELWP, Sustainability Victoria, Environment Protection Authority and the waste management groups, had a single roadmap to guide how they would consult, celebrate and announce major milestones without confusing or diluting the message. It was also important to keep telling the story to stakeholders about what is happening, and what that change will do to benefit them as the policy moves ahead in an engaging and creative way.
Working collaboratively with agency teams to establish a ‘One RV portfolio approach’, we developed Stakeholder Project Protocols and Guidelines that outlined shared narrative, brand treatment, media management, and stakeholder engagement principles. We also presented a 10 year roadmap of communications and engagement milestones for all programs within the policy that allowed the hundreds of staff involved in implementation to see a birds eye view of what was coming up next to avoid duplication and strengthen stakeholder confidence.