Nillumbik Shire Council
A Better Connection – Communications Strategy
They provide essential services that communities need to hear about, but often don’t. Council’s aims to better connect with their community needed a foundation, so we developed their very first, council-wide communications strategy.
Nillumbik Shire Council’s small but mighty communications team were constantly churning out content but needed a blueprint to guide their efforts. We developed a public-facing, whole of council communication strategy that would help them focus on communicating what was important and relevant to their community – trust and transparency, a choice of digital and traditional methods, relevant and relatable messages – so they could better reach and communicate with key audiences.
We sought input from the community, Councillors and from council staff to shape what would best work for their needs. The strategy, endorsed by Councillors, now guides how Nillumbik staff and councillors, with support from the Communications Team, can connect with their stakeholders with relevancy and transparency.